Tuesday 19 February 2013

Liebster Award (1)

Today I got a comment on one of my blog posts from Kathryn-Hannah nominating me for a Liebster award. It was cute to know that people enjoy reading my blog which I guess is the aim of me speaking everyday! So down to what she asked me

♥ What's the one item you couldn't live without? I'm an extreme twitterholic so the likelyhood is that I'd struggle without my phone as even for a week when I go away on holiday I struggle not being able to put forward my idea's and being a spoilt little brat that expects everyone to listen to her.
♥ Do you have any pets? If not, what pet would you like? I have 2 dogs and 2 cats and they are honestly the most precious things in the world to me but I have always wanted a chinchilla and to be very cute and dress them up in little outfits
♥ Your favourite holiday and why? I went away to barcelona with the school and loved that holiday because I was old enough not to miss home too much 
♥ Book or film first? It all depends on the film but probably a book first
♥ Who's your biggest inspiration? In general or in the blogging world? Well in general I would probably pick cherry healey I adore her and if you haven't watched any of her documentaries you have seriously missed out and they are quite hard to find but she has a blog too on the BBC website under lifestyle and in the blogging world I adore swalkermakeup and zoella.
♥ Who's your celebrity crush? Justin Timberlake and Paul Rudd
♥ Describe yourself in one word. My friend describes me as RARE so I'm going to go with that one
♥ Where would you go if you could travel through time and why? I am completely clueless on what I would do, I think that I would be too nervous that there would be a paradox
♥ Where's your favourite place to spend money? Superdrug
♥ If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? I'd want to be able to make everyone happy, even if it was simply giving them a smile everyday 
♥ What's your favourite gift that your received? Most defiantly my heated rollers I heart them so much

And now for my eleven questions:
♥ If you had to live without one makeup product what would it be?
♥ If you could have any celebrities clothes for the day who would you pick?
♥ What is your favourite song of all time?
♥ What was your favourite subject in school?
♥ When you where six what did you want to be when you grew up?
♥ Are you a mummy's or daddies girl?
♥ Do you have any siblings and if so are you close to them?
♥ If you could win a sample of EVERY product in ONE store what would it be?
♥ What is your most used perfume?
♥ If you could have any animal in the world what would it be?
♥ What is your favorite film?

and I nominate: http://kathryn-hannah.blogspot.co.uk/

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